ImageAcquire PropertiesTerminal Works - TwainScanning.Net Library

The ImageAcquire type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoBright
The source Auto-brightness function (if any). ICAP_AUTOBRIGHT
Public propertyBrightness
The brightness values available within the Source. ICAP_BRIGHTNESS
Public propertyContrast
The contrast values available within the Source. ICAP_CONTRAST
Public propertyHighlight
Specifies which value in an image should be interpreted as the lightest “highlight.” All values “lighter” than this value will be clipped to this value. ICAP_HIGHLIGHT
Public propertyImageDataSet
Gets or sets the image indices that will be delivered during the standard image transfer. ICAP_IMAGEDATASET
Public propertyMirror
How the Source can/should mirror the scanned image data prior to transfer. ICAP_MIRROR
Public propertyOrientation
Defines which edge of the “paper” the image’s “top” is aligned with. ICAP_ORIENTATION
Public propertyRotation
How the Source can/should rotate the scanned image data prior to transfer. ICAP_ROTATION
Public propertyShadow
Darkest shadow, values darker than this value will be clipped to this value.
Public propertyThumbnailsEnabled
Allows an application to request the delivery of thumbnail representations for the set of images that are to be delivered. CAP_THUMBNAILSENABLED
Public propertyXScaling
All the X-axis scaling values available. A value of ‘1.0’ is equivalent to 100% scaling. Do not use values less than or equal to zero. ICAP_XSCALING
Public propertyYScaling
All the Y-axis scaling values available. A value of ‘1.0’ is equivalent to 100% scaling. Do not use values less than or equal to zero. ICAP_YSCALING
See Also
